We are excited to announce distinguished Title IX attorney Felice Duffy has joined the national Title IX powerhouse law firm of Nesenoff & Miltenberg LLP.

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College Student Sexual Assault and Rape Defense Attorneys

Defending against serious accusations of sexual assault or rape on college campuses

If you have been accused of rape or sexual assault by your college or university administration, it is imperative that you speak to an experienced college defense attorney as soon as you can. Often, students facing this type of allegation believe that if they simply tell their side of the story, the investigation will be dropped. This it generally not the case, however, and sexual assault or rape allegations can have devastating consequences for your life.

At the office of Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP,  our highly experienced Title IX and Conduct Code attorneys know how severely sexual assault and rape accusations can affect your life. It is important to discuss your case with a defense attorney as soon as possible at 212-736-4500 in an initial and confidential consultation.

What constitutes sexual assault or rape?

Sexual assault can occur in many ways, including the following:

  • Compelling a person to have sexual contact without their permission through force or threat of force
  • Sexual contact with a person who is unable to consent to the contact because of intoxication by drugs or alcohol
  • Sexual contact with a person who has a mental, intellectual, or physical disability that renders them incapable of consenting

The term “rape” refers to the most serious degree of sexual assault that involves actual sexual intercourse. Any degree of sexual assault can result in serious consequences, however.

Students accused of violating the code of conduct face harsh penalties

Schools that receive federal funding are subject to specific laws regarding sexual assault or rape on campus. Both Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Clery Act have strict requirements to report and to prevent instances of sexual violence among students or faculty. Because of these laws, school administrations take potential sexual assault and rape violations very seriously and aggressively investigate victim complaints to avoid non-compliance with the law. Schools further often impose the harshest penalties possible, which often involve suspension or expulsion. An expulsion for rape will often prevent you from being accepted at another reputable education institution and can, therefore, have long-lasting consequences.

In addition to school-imposed penalties, if school officials decide that a rape or sexual assault occurred, they will almost certainly report it to local law enforcement. This can result in an investigation and criminal charges issued by the state against you. The penalties you may face for a sexual assault or rape conviction in criminal court can involve lengthy prison sentences and costly fines.

Do not hesitate to call a qualified college student sexual assault and rape defense lawyer today

The highly knowledgeable lawyers of Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP have extensive experience with college disciplinary cases, including Title IX complaints of sexual misconduct.  If you have been accused of violating your school’s code of conduct by committing a sexual crime, you should never delay in consulting with an experienced college defense attorney. The sooner you get an attorney, the better you will know how to proceed. Call Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP for a confidential consultation at no cost at 212-736-4500.

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