College Organization Defense Attorneys
Defending collegiate organizations across the country accused of violating college rules
Colleges have in place strict codes of conduct in regard to different organizations affiliated with the campus. These organizations may include fraternities, sororities, athletic teams, or even marching bands, and the success and continued existence of the organization is often at risk if members are accused of violating college rules. Colleges and universities can set out strict penalties if your organization is suspected of violating the code of conduct. It is important to know that the accused members have significant legal rights. If an organization hosts an event and the individual responsible for the misconduct is not discovered, the officers of the organization can be held responsible. If you are a member of an organization facing allegations from your college or university, you should not delay in discussing your situation with an experienced college violations defense attorney.
Our highly experienced Conduct Code attorneys at Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP protect the rights of students facing serious allegations and always strives for the most favorable result possible for your organization. Call Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP at 212-736-4500 at no cost for assistance today.
Common allegations against collegiate organizations
Organizations can be accused of violating many different rules, though some of the more common include:
- Hazing
- Harassment
- Sexual assault
- Underage alcohol consumption
- Violating school alcohol regulations
- Destruction of property
If your organization, or any of its individual members, are accused of any of the above violations or others, you should consult with a defense lawyer before it is too late. Though it may seem like the school’s administration is on your side, often administrators seek to discipline organizational misconduct to the full extent allowable to deter future violations by other organizations and to protect the reputation of their institution.
Violations can have serious penalties
Though every school sets out different penalties for violations of the code of conduct, some common penalties for organizations are as follows:
- Formal reprimand in your permanent student records
- Probation, suspension, or expulsion of certain members
- Loss of housing facilities
- Loss of funding for the organization
- Disbanding the organization as a whole
- Criminal charges against members
As you can see, the consequences can be extremely serious. Furthermore, even though only a few members may have participated in the violation, officers of the organization or the organization as a whole may be held accountable and may face severe penalties for the behavior of a few.
Fortunately, you cannot simply be punished for serious violations whenever the college or university chooses. Instead, you have certain legal rights and the representation by an experienced defense attorney can protect members and the organization’s rights, significantly reduce the punishment you face, and may even result in the accusations being dismissed altogether.
Contact a college code of conduct organization defense lawyer as soon as possible
The collegiate judicial system can be very confusing and you may believe you have no other option but to accept the allegations and penalties from the administration. You may not take the allegations seriously, think you can handle it yourself, or be embarrassed and may not want your friends and family to find out. The earlier you get legal advice, the more options you will have to determine the outcome. The highly knowledgeable code of conduct lawyers at Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP will confidentially evaluate your situation, advise you of your legal rights and options, and defend against the allegations to your school administration. Call Nesenoff & Miltenberg, LLP at 212-736-4500 today for serious representation.