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Category Archives: Title IX: Procedure

What Supportive Measures Are Supposed to be Provided by Your School When a Title IX Issue is Raised?

Over the past several years, the rules colleges and universities are required to implement to investigate and adjudicate Title IX matters raised on campus have been in flux. Different federal administrations have made substantial changes based on political priorities.  However, one constant in all the changes is that incidents are still being reported, and schools …

Can You Bring in an Expert in a Title IX Case?

Whether you are the complainant initiating a Title IX proceeding or the respondent accused of violating someone’s Title IX rights, the entire process can be frightening and stressful because it can impact the rest of your life. The actions you take—or fail to take—during the investigation, adjudication, and appeal phase of proceedings can affect your …

What is the Informal Process for Resolving a Title IX Complaint?

When a student files a Title IX complaint on a college or university campus, sometimes the complaint is resolved through an informal process, while other times, the resolution requires more formal proceedings with an investigation and hearing. The use of informal proceedings is sometimes restricted depending on the current regulatory scheme in effect, which has …

When Should Your Title IX Advisor Recommend an Informal Resolution Process?

The regulations implementing Title IX provisions on college campuses allow for the resolution of Title IX complaints through an informal resolution process, so long as certain requirements are met. If you have filed a complaint or are responding to a complaint, it is logical to wonder whether an informal resolution would be advantageous in your …

What Are the Most Common Procedural Errors Made by Schools in Their Disciplinary Processes?

When a school commits a procedural error during a disciplinary process on campus, that error can often provide grounds for an appeal, potentially overturning the original decision. That makes it very important to recognize procedural errors in any type of disciplinary proceeding, whether an alleged violation involves a serious offense such as sexual assault in …